Destroying Dailys, a local SWFL company that designs hand-drawn shirts has created two Paradise t-shirt designs to choose from. The shirts feature an acid green 918 owned by Paradise members Rick and Layla S. Your order will be shipped directly to the address you specify. Links to purchase the shirts are below:
Yes! Affix our ubiquitous club logo to your Porsche and let everyone know you run with the cool kids. Stickers are available at no charge to club members if you're affixing them to your car. Just check with a board member at any event you attend and we'll hook you up!
Cars & Coffee 239 is the premier gathering of automotive enthusiasts in SWFL. It's held the 3rd Sunday each month 9-11:00 AM at the Mercato Shops in North Naples. The event Founder & Organizer is a Paradise Region Gruppe board member and the event volunteers are all club members. We think it's awesome to get the community together along with thousands of spectators. We love showcasing the Porsche brand in a positive way.
You can get embroidered polos, quality hats, printed t-shirts, etc. emblazoned with the Paradise Region Gruppe logo. We love seeing you represent the club with this quality and cost-effective branded swag! Visit our online store.
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